
Showing posts from April 7, 2013

the thing that left at my table...

bismilahirahmanirahim Assalamualaikum i wanna share this... a few minutes ago i went to surau and finished my solat then when I came back one of my best friend had left something on my table I'm just remind that what he said  "kau simpan kan untuk aku." okay then.. its a poem that he write.. i don't know why i wanna share this maybe it's another part of him that i don't know rite? I wish good luck to him May Allah Bless you I waited I waited I waited some more only to find that she has gone to the place where I couldn't reach and only see at a distance why life is full of question that is the question I ask myself for every times I think she had gone  for without even turn and say these few words maybe because I'm to weird  for those who think I'm or to creepy like the scarecrow or just because I'm just skinny and nothing more maybe i just need to wait wait until the time come ...

jatuh dan bangun

bismilahirahmanirahim... Assalamualaikum lamanya tak update curi masa buat assignment hehe final lagi 3 minggu then cuti sem byk lagi syllabus yg kena cover hurmm.. lumrah hidup sebagai seorg pelajar kan everyday kena tekun mana boleh main2 lagi aku ni dah lah lambat sikit haha.. blur punya budak okey skang ni semua berlumba2 nak maju nak kejar no 1 sape nak jadi org terakhir walaupun terkadang semua org pernah rasa no terakhir tu aku? konfem banyak kali haha.. gagal sekali bukan bermakna gagal selamanya haha poyos tapi betulah kan.. life must go on no matter what come hell or high water kan.. =) korg pernah rasa jatuh? bukan kita je sometimes ada berlambak lagi org yg rasa tersungkur lagi teruk dari kita reminds that... okay.. pandangan mata ni jangan samakan dengan pandangan hati hati kita terdidik dek kerna mata kita betul ke? just imaging yg benda jadi mesti sampai kat mata then turun kat dalam t...